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Tiffany & Sean — Minted
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Tiffany and Sean

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

Our love story in (not so much) a nutshell ;)

Sean’s version:
We met on a party bus headed to Red Rocks for Cherub; Halloween of 2016 to be exact. She caught my eye and left me wondering how I could spark up a conversation. Not so easy when on a packed party bus and on opposite ends. It wasn't until halfway through the concert when I noticed her watching the show from up in a tree, that her weirdness was on par with mine and now I really had to get to know her. Unfortunately, I never got that one-on-one conversation with her that night. Quite some time went by and we became just the friends that only saw each other at concerts and music festivals. Sure, it might’ve been 2 years of concert friendship, but hey, I eventually sparked up that conversation and asked her out for some drinks. We finally got to know each other for who we were outside the party scene. A short time later, we had our first dance (at Temple Nightclub; classy), which led to a first kiss, and turned into this never-ending Love Story.

Now Tiffany’s version:
We met at a Red Rocks show – can’t quite remember which one – but Sean was seen in short spurts and then would disappear throughout the night. When he did show up again, he offered a 'not-so-casual' thumb war or rock-paper-scissors in between random half cartwheels. This seemed to be an introduction to his portfolio of talents I would then see over the next two years.

Sean and I were connected through our large group of friends who sometimes filled up to three party buses at any given concert. We’d talk briefly but it was always in passing. Sean would do - well – whatever he was doing to get on stage and I was enjoying the party scene in between my weekly work travels.

I'll be brutally honest and say I had never even looked at a blond haired, blue-eyed guy before, so why start now? Sean, on the other hand (I learned later), asked about me several times throughout our random concert adventures together.

One day, to Sean’s joy and excitement ;), I striked up a conversation which led to us both sneaking into VIP where we stayed and danced for most of the night. We continued to see each other (in group settings) outside of Red Rocks and I’ll admit at this point – I started to notice him a bit more. He was sort of interesting, VERY weird, had good energy and was easy to talk to. It was nearing summer end and Sean nonchalantly mentioned going to happy hour after a celebration at Wash Park.

It was the first time I had spoken to Sean one on one with no interruptions and in that moment I solidified my thoughts about him. He was even more interesting than I thought, had a bit of a soft side if you listened, was very intelligent and still – EXTREMELY weird.

From there, a few weeks went by. We went to another music festival and Sean surprised me when he showed up at a girl’s night out downtown. Within two minutes of showing up he grabbed my hand, swung me around and we had our first kiss. A proper date followed and after two short months of dating Sean admitted he had a ‘slight’ crush the last two years and was “playing the long game.”

The rest is history….